Explore Brand Strategy with fresh perspective to uncover new sources of inspiration and creativity

INNOVATION | Brand Development and Design

In this era of constant change, those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable. What is certain is that delivering value tomorrow will require different approaches than it does today.

That is why leading businesses recognize the need to continually innovate,  to sustain competitive advantage and to find new opportunities for revenue and business growth.

At Taylormade we employ a rare mix of bold imagination and purpose to conceptualize, trial and refine new product and service ideas. We draw upon unparalleled talent in brand identity design to extend existing brands or launch new offerings to challenge and overcome established competitors. We build clients’ implementation confidence and help them bring exciting new brands to market.

Brand execution requires vigilant management for the consistency required to be successfully implemented. Taylormade’s visual systems enable our clients to ensure their brands are  portrayed exactly as intended throughout their lifecycle.

From replicable innovation processes to a companywide culture that fosters entrepreneurship Taylormade  helps clients identify and exploit growth opportunities and build brands that customers adore and competitors envy.

Our Approach

Our collaborative insight-based B’Hive™ approach to brand development and design is focused on 4 core interactive stages


The services we provide in Brand Development and Design

Innovation Strategy & Consulting

We explore brand strategy with fresh perspective to uncover new sources of  inspiration, a mix of bold imagination, creativity and purpose. We spark product and service design excellence,  build a sustainable  culture of innovation and bring exciting new brands, products and services to market

  • Market evaluation and white space exploration
  • Define innovation goals and strategy
  • Creating inspiring new product and service Ideas
  • Simulated test marketing – concept testing & refinement
  • Product and service design
  • Customer experience definition
  • Brand strategy and identity development
  • Brand launch program
  • Building innovation capacity:
  • Acquire capabilities and human resources
  • Establish processes and kick start program

Brand  Strategy, Positioning  & Architecture

We actively evaluate the relevance of your brand to make sure that it’s uniquely positioned, culturally rooted, consistently communicated and aligned with the market trends and evolving customers needs.

  • Brand Strategy and positioning development, including:
    • Vision,
    • Mission,
    • Essence,
    • Personality
    • Image attributes
  • Targeting and segmentation
  • Brand architecture and endorsement
  • Brand strategy research and testing
  • Portfolio planning
  • Customer experience
  • Internal branding strategy

Design & Identity Development

We design every  expression of the brand to sing out harmoniously in visual and written languages that rhyme with the brand vision to elicit the rational, emotional and sensory responses required to build brand preference and advocacy

  • Creative  strategy
  • Logo design, identity development and testing
  • Brand nomenclature development and testing
  • Visual language development and integration:
    • Print and digital collateral design
    • Brand livery design
    • Packaging and labeling design
    • Environmental and sensory design
    • Signage and wayfinding design

Brand Management & Visual System

We enable better brand management and communication control by designing and producing guidelines and visual systems that  help maintain brand  consistency, image coherence and guide both internal and external  interactions and usage

  • Brand  management strategy 
  • Brand guideline and visual system  development
    • Logo usage, color pallets and typography suite
    • Livery, collateral, stationery and printing suite
    • Marketing communications and advertising suite
    • Packaging and labeling suite
    • Digital communication and social media suite
    • Signage and wayfinding suite
    • Imaging, photography style and usage suite
    • Environmental and sensory branding suite

Our Clients

Featured work

Projects, Clients, Case Studies